The project has been broken into three phases as follows:
- Context: Primary Data: Interviews and observations with people in zones affected by the armed conflict in Colombia. Secondary research: Analysis of the Colombian context trough research papers.(see Time-line)
- Definition of the most relevant stakeholders for the project: Primary Data: Interviews and observations with the most relevant stakeholders for the project. Secondary research: Analysis of the current technologies used in the humanitarian demining process.
- User testing Phase: Primary Data: Once the first app prototype is up and running the app will be placed in the app store for beta testing (access up to 2000 users). Leaning in the support from the Colombian Campaing Againts mines and their network in the Colombian field, the app will be tested by real users in conflicted areas of Colombia to get feedback and prepare for future iterations and release. Secondary Research: Analysis of the best practices and methodologies for Interaction design on mobile interfaces.
Research Objectives
General Goal
Understand the state of the art of the current technologies for humanitarian demining in Developing counties.
Specific Objectives
- Develop relevant technological applications to contribute to the humanitarian demining process.
- Generate communication channels between Governmental organizations and Academia to develop joint projects.
- Reduce the amount of people harmed by APM and IED by developing an accessible tool for users in rural paths of Colombia.