Case Studies
Prosecuting the Use of Anti-personnel Mines by Illegal Armed Groups: The Colombian Situation (Nagle 2006)
“Prosecuting the Use of Anti-personnel Mines by Illegal Armed Groups: The Colombian Situation**(Nagle 2006)” Focuses in analyzing the Colombian legislation against international legal instruments to ban Landmines. The primary international legal instrument intended to combat the proliferation and deployment of APM, UXO and IED’s is the United Nations' 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Antipersonnel Mines and on Their Destruction, also referred as the Mine Ban Treaty or the Ottawa Convention.
This article discusses in great detail, how if the Colombian government fails to apply internal law against APM, international treatments can contribute to face the problem in a proper way.
International agreements can contribute to pressure armed groups and of course governments to stop using, producing and storing these weapons. Under the ratification of the agreement countries are obligated to accomplish several responsibilities such as get rid of all the arsenal that belong to the domains of this agreement in a certain amount of time. (For the Colombian case will be 2021).
Consequences of the Armed Conflict, Forced Human Displacement, and Land Abandonment on Forest Cover Change in Colombia: A Multi-scaled Analysis (Sánchez-Cuervo, T.Aide, 2013)
“Consequences of the Armed Conflict, Forced Human Displacement, and Land Abandonment on Forest Cover Change in Colombia: A Multi-scaled Analysis**(Sánchez-Cuervo, T.Aide, 2013)”_. Although this article seems to be far away from the scope of the present research, it provides an interesting point of view to tackle this issue. It is helpful in the methodology for collecting data and observations used; of how the internal armed conflict and its actors have become part of the environment change.
The use of web-based application to collect and intersect information such as: the Virtual Interpretation of Earth Web-Interface Tool (VIEWIT) that overlays MODIS pixel (250 9 250 m) on high-resolution imagery in Google Earth (Clark and Aide 2011). Provides proof on how the usage of data could be useful to analyze different categories of information to achieve new information from previous data.